Thursday, April 30, 2009

Count down

I am only 9 days away from my due date! And I hope this little boy comes soon because I feel like I am going to POP! Thomas has no real understanding of how his life is about to change. I will point to my belly and say "Baby" and he will pat my belly and that is about it. The past few months I have tried to do as much as I can with Thomas, cherishing every moment we have. I am not sure what to expect having two boys under the age of two but I bet it will be a lot of fun!
Some of the things Thomas has done lately is tried to climb out of his crib! He was able to get his little foot on the top rail and push against the side of the crib and get to the top. I was standing right there so I just put him back down. This is not something I was expecting to happen right now! I started putting pillows down on the floor incase he does try to go over board and I am not in the room. Another cute thing Thomas has started doing is grabbing my finger when ever he wants to show me something in another room or just wants my attention.  He will also try to push me out of a chair or direct me in the direction he wants me to go. 

My mom friends from the Moms Club of Coppell who are all prego too!
Eliza just had a boy, Me, Ann Marie due with a boy any day, Summer and Shannon due end of July.

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